Yes. The files called factory_zsc_xxxx.asc, ringarea_xxxx.asc (where xxxx is the serial number) are instrument specific.
Also the files InstrumentData.txt and LISST.ini contains instrument specific information, but these two files can contain information for multiple instruments. This is not the case for the first two files.
The factory_zsc_xxxx.asc and ringarea_xxxx.asc files must be in the same folder as the lisst.exe program
The LISST.ini file must be in the C:\WINDOWS folder for the LISST-SOP v 4.65 and in C:\ProgramData\Sequoia\LISST100 for the LISST-SOP v. 5.0
The InstrumentData.txt file must be in the C:\Program Files\Sequoia\LISST100 folder for the LISST-SOP v 4.65 and in C:\ProgramData\Sequoia\LISST100 for the LISST-SOP v. 5.0
This YouTube video describing what files are where, and how to add an extra instrument to your LISST.ini and InstrumentData.txt files: