
Sequoia Scientific


The history of the O-ring

March 7, 2022

O-rings are so ubiquitous today – at least for all of us building underwater instrumentation for the underwater technology industry – that we generally think of them as something that has always been around. But that is not the case. The other night...


Rich Details of a River Column Revealed by LISST-SL

September 16, 2017

These data show use of LISST-SL and -SL2 from bridges. For use from boats, click here. UPDATED 18 SEPT 2017 The LISST-SL2 instrument delivers the most powerful suite of sediment data. It is an isokinetic instrument (isokinetic means intake velocity matches...


Publications with LISST-SL

December 19, 2016

We provide a link to Google Scholar. Clicking this link will show you the most current publications using the LISST-SL instrument. At the time of this search, 66 such papers were found. Below is an example page of citations. A curated version of the Google...


Laser Diffraction 201 – LISST

April 15, 2011

How LISST works! [Sequoia, April 15, 2011] 1. The Ring Detector 2. How Particle Sizes and Measurement Angles are Selected 3. Origin of the Matrix Formulation – It’s just algebra 4. Inversion of Data – the Information Content...


Laser Diffraction 101 – LISST

April 14, 2011

How LISST Works! [Sequoia, April 14, 2011] Laser Diffraction 101 Sequoia realizes that for some people, the principle behind laser diffraction seems difficult to understand. The purpose of this article and ‘Laser Diffraction 201’...