
Sequoia Scientific

Particles in Americas Conference

First Particles in the Americas (PiA) to take place in Vitoria, Brazil.

Dates: 24 September – 27 September 2018


For details, please go to the webpage for the conference; Click here.


PiA is convened jointly by Sequoia Scientific, Universidad del Norte of Colombia, and Federal University of Espírito Santo, Vitoria. The PiA conference is organized jointly with ENES and ABRH.


Yogesh Agrawal (United States)

Juan C. Restrepo (Colombia)

Diogo Buarque (Brasil)

Newton Carvalho (Brasil)

Cinthya Picollo (Argentina)

Gerardo Perillo (Argentina)

Pedro Cunha (Brasil)

Tobias Bleninger (Brasil)

Samuel Barsanelli (Brasil)

Paulo Gamaro (Brasil)

Jean Michel-Martínez (France)