
Sequoia Scientific

Sequoia Presents at the Ocean Science Meeting

January 23, 2020

Co-sponsored by the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), and The Oceanography Society (TOS), the Ocean Sciences Meeting is the premier scientific conference for the ocean science community.

“This year’s theme, For a Resilient Planet, centers around the concept that scientists, in partnership with governments and communities, have the power to affect change in fostering healthier and more resilient oceans, a safer and sustainable food supply, and to mitigate the impacts of climate change (”

Sequoia will be presenting the following two new instruments coming to market in 2020:


Sequoia Scientific will showcase our Hyper-BB sensor Monday, February 17th from 16:00 – 18:00 at the Poster Hall C-D. Authored by Dr. Ole Mikkelsen, Dr. Wayne Slade, Thomas Leeuw, David Dana, and Chuck Pottsmith, Sequoia Scientific Inc. presents a new, commercially available instrument that can help improve understanding of the links between ocean color remote sensing and the variety of particles like phytoplankton in the water.




Sequoia Scientific’s oral presentation on our LISST-Horizon system will take place Thursday, February 20th from 12:00-12:15. Authored by Dr. Wayne Slade, Dr. Yogesh Agrawal, Thomas Leeuw, David Dana, and Chuck Pottsmith, this presentation will discuss how this instrument measures particle size distribution and optical properties from underway flow-through systems.



We look forward to seeing you in San Diego!