
Sequoia Scientific

Safety Not Guaranteed – $1,000 drawing

March 24, 2021

10 Years ago, the independent film Safety Not Guaranteed (released in 2012) was in production. Netflix is currently streaming this awesome movie!

Did you know that the scene where the “time machine piece” first makes its appearance (39:56 – 43:06 in) was filmed at Sequoia’s office in Bellevue? You can even spot one of our LISST instruments in the background on a couple of occasions!

Leave a comment on our SoMe pages (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook) by 31st March 2021 with which LISST model makes an appearance, and right answers will be entered in a drawing for a $1,000 discount off of your next Sequoia order*.

The winner will be announced 1st April 2021.

* No credit will be issued for orders less than $1,000

* Order must be received by Sequoia by September 30th, 2021.

* Only end-users (non-distributors) are eligible for this drawing

Bonus info: The time machine piece was originally designed by Sequoia’s co-founder Chuck Pottsmith for a completely different purpose – but when the producer and instructor saw the piece they immediately wanted it!