
Sequoia Scientific

PiA Webinar: Prof Susana Vinzon on 09 December

November 26, 2020

While we wait for COVID to pass so that we may meet in person at a PiA Conference, PiA is offering webinars.

PiA’s monthly webinars aim to promote scientific interactions between researchers, monitoring agencies, and industry concerned with particles in water. Scientists selected by PiA Steering Committee will be invited to present their work to a broad audience of students, University faculty, engineers in industry, and scientists in government. The PiA Steering Committee will announce resumption of physical conferences when COVID is no longer an issue.

Our Next Speaker

Dec 9. Dr Susana Vinzon, Director LDSC – Laboratório de Dinâmica de Sedimentos Coesivos, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Fine sediments in the large Amazon system;

To see all past webinars and link for this one; click here