New Sequoia instrument at OSU! The Plankton Ecology Lab at Oregon State University (PIs Su Sponaugle and Robert Cowen recently received their new LISST-200X which they will use in combination with the In-situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System (ISIIS) to investigate plankton size spectra on the Oregon Shelf as part of the NSF-funded project: Plankton size spectra and trophic links in a dynamic ocean (PIs Robert Cowen / Su Sponaugle / Kelly Sutherland (U of Oregon)). Here pictured are Jami Ivory and Moritz Schmid getting the LISST-200X ready for some lab tests. The LISST-200X will record particle sizes alongside ISIIS in February 2022 deployed from R/V Sikuliaq.