Royal NIOZ, Netherlands Institute for Sea Research has taken delivery of a LISST-200X from Sequoia! The workhorse LISST-200X is a self-contained submersible particle size analyzer, designed for measuring suspended particle size and concentration in aquatic environments. Sequoia’s local distributor, Geometius bv, supported the effort and works closely with NIOZ supporting multiple scientific products across the organization.
The newly acquired LISST-200X, in combination with optical and acoustic turbidity sensors, will be used for investigating natural and man-made suspended sediment plumes. This will be done in the framework of the PLUMEFLOC project, a collaborative project of NIOZ and Technical University Delft, funded by the Dutch Research Council and partners from industry.

NIOZ Scientist Henko de Stigter
NIOZ is the national oceanographic institute and principally performs and promotes academically excellent multidisciplinary fundamental and frontier applied marine research addressing important scientific and societal questions pertinent to the functioning of oceans and seas. NIOZ serves as national marine research facilitator (NMF) for The Netherlands scientific community.
Learn more about the LISST-200X here