
Sequoia Scientific

LISST-SL2 now with Bluetooth!

June 3, 2019

Sequoia is pleased to announce Bluetooth capability for the LISST-SL2 isokinetic sediment flux sensor.

The LISST-SL2 topside unit now features a Bluetooth module, which allows for wireless data transmission between the topside unit and the field PC / tablet recording and displaying the real-time LISST-SL2 data. The LISST-SL2 Bluetooth will work over a distance of up to 55 m / (180 ft) with a direct line of sight. The first iteration of the LISST-SL2 topside unit featured a cable-only connection between the topside and PC / tablet. This functionality still remains, and all future deliveries of the LISST-SL2 (beginning June 2019) will ship with the Bluetooth-enabled topside AND cable.

Picture showing the LISST-SL2 topside unit.

LISST-SL2 topside unit with closed lid.

For existing LISST-SL2 users Sequoia offers a Bluetooth upgrade; contact Sequoia for more information.