IFREMER has taken delivery of a LISST-Holo2 from Sequoia! The LISST-Holo2 is a self-contained submersible camera system which produces detailed holographic images for the study of flocs, plankton, and other particles in water. Sequoia’s local distributor, ROVIN BVBA, supported the effort and works closely with IFREMER representing multiple scientific products across the organization.
Taking delivery of the LISST-Holo2 is IFREMER’s Project Manager Mrs. Catherine BORREMANS, who focuses her time in marine biology & image engineering in the Department of Physical Resources and Deep-Sea Ecosystems.
The LISST-Holo2 was purchased to support the “BLUE REVOLUTION” project. BLUE REVOLUTION has focus on infaunal benthic communities which comprise some of the most diverse groups of organisms on Earth and are ideal ecological indicators and sentinels for ecosystem health. The BLUE REVOLUTION project will develop in-situ/onboard/in-the-field methods (holographic microscopy and 3D-fluorescence imaging) together with AI-based classification tools allowing for quantitative and functional data of benthic communities being generated at speeds unseen before.
See https://wwz.ifremer.fr/bluerevolution/The-project/Work-Packages
and https://wwz.ifremer.fr/bluerevolution_fr/The-project/The-BLUEREVOLUTION-idea
Mrs. BORREMANS states, “This specific project studies the meiofauna (organisms of 20µm to 1mm size) present in sediments at great depths (> 500m) to assess the impact of possible deep ocean resource exploitation. Expanding historical experiences with plankton studies, IFREMER seeks to develop automatic imagery for these meiofauna at high rate to allow automatic identification and classification; an advancement over traditional techniques. Initial use of the LISST-Holo2 will be in the laboratory and progressing to in situ deployments down to 600m depth. Beyond the BLUE REVOLUTION project, biologists will also test the LISST-Holo2 to study marine larvae”. Learn more about Mrs. BORREMANS here: https://annuaire.ifremer.fr/cv/17350/en/ and https://deepseaexperts.org/node/931