
Sequoia Scientific

LISST-Black Instruments Canada!

January 13, 2022

Environment and Climate Change Canada has taken delivery of two LISST-Black instruments! The LISST-Black is a self-contained, stand-alone instrument system for use on profiling packages, towed and remote vehicle applications, for deployment during and after an oil spill event. The system will continuously measure particle size distribution and concentration, along with the fluorescence of refined fuels, crude oil and chlorophyll, as well as beam attenuation. Sequoia’s local distributor, Hoskin Scientific, supported the effort and works closely with Environment and Climate Change Canada with multiple scientific technologies.


Environment and Climate Change Canada is the lead federal department for a wide range of environmental issues. The mandate of the Emergencies Science and Technology Section (ESTS) of Environment and Climate Change Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate, is to provide scientific support in the event of a spill. This involves the ability to deploy monitoring capacity to aid in determination of the extent and degree of contaminant present. In addition to real-time response, it is important to utilize these technologies in research and development so that generated data can be better understood. This group has conducted many studies with previous generations of these dispersed oil detection instruments and, with a commitment to further advance oil spill response measures through the Oceans Protection Plan, are continuing to advance their expertise through acquisition of the latest technology and improve monitoring capacity.

Learn more about the LISST-Black oil-spill response instrument by following this link