
Sequoia Scientific

February Northwest Environmental Business Council Luncheon

February 27, 2020

Yesterday, Sequoia Scientific, Inc. had the pleasure of attending a luncheon hosted by the Northwest Environmental Business Council. NEBC is a non-profit trade association that represents businesses working to protect, restore, and sustain the natural and built environment. Yesterday’s luncheon featured a presentation on the Everett Waterfront and construction and placement of its new Grand Avenue Park Bridge. Heather Griffin, Surface Water Manager / Principal Engineer of the City of Everett Public Works discussed the history of Everett’s storm-water infrastructure and the need for the new Grand Avenue park bridge in supporting the city’s sewer and storm-water system. Not only does this bridge provide important infrastructure necessary to the prevention of landslides, but the project also decided to incorporate the public’s request for pedestrian and bike access to the Everett waterfront, so the bridge also serves as a walkway and elevator. Griffin shared the considerations and complications that were overcome in designing and constructing this bridge – the video below demonstrates what an impressive task this was! Sequoia is grateful for the opportunity to connect with other PNW businesses directly involved in environmental stewardship in the Northwest.